I suck in every possible way

You're a doctor?

Try being in your situation, except you are 29 with a terrible job.

I'm 29, I still live at home, I failed my university honours course and only got a standard degree, which is essentially useless these days. every single thing I try I fail at.

I only have 4 "friends". One lives on the other side of the world. 2 of them are a couple who hardly even like me, we see each other maybe once a month at most. The last is almost in the same situation as me, the only reason we still hangout is cause we only have each other as real friends.

I suck at social situations. Every time I go out it just adds to my crippling self-consciousness, someone calls me "creepy" as a joke and it hurts like fuck because someone calls me that almost every time I go out now.. it's becoming too common to be a coincidence. Everytime I return from a social situation I just feel like shit for days.

I think I look decent, I can get girls if I really try.. but I can't form a lasting relationship beyond 3-4 dates or one-night stands. Once they realize what a complete failure I am and how fucking boring I am.

Even if I do get in a semi-serious relationship my crippling insecurities start to take over. I push my partner away. I doubt everything they say, I accuse them of cheating on me, I get insanely jealous over every little thing. I overanalyse every single little situation and come to the conclusion that my partner is just trying to manipulate me as a joke / for my money / so I buy them gifts... or that i'm just not good enough for them so they are cheating on me.

When I go on holiday with my "friends", who are just friends of friends who probably think i'm a weirdo, every game we play I lose at. Football, pool, golf, i'm always in last place, every time.

I got in an argument with my dad the other night and he burst out with "why the fuck haven't you left home yet?".

The only reason I have a job right now is cause my mums friend threw me a bone and is training me. But I already know that I won't be able to keep doing that job when she retires, i'm going to fuck it up like everything else.

I'm a complete fucking failure and everyone thinks i'm a freak.

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