I suffer from depression and after a painful breakup in 2018 I decided to monitor how many times a day I thought killing myself for a year. This chart shows when I finally decided to go to therapy and quit suffering. [OC]

When I finally decided to talk to a doctor and get help, I was surprised by her candor.

Dr.: "How often would you say you consider suicidal ideations?"

Me: "Well, sometimes not often...how many times a day would you say is often?"

Dr.: "Are you saying daily? Ok. At first you were worried you might have mild OCD or depression, but you were wrong. Nothing about this is mild."

After help from medication, medical professionals, and a total change of diet and exercise, it's all been for the better - but opening up about it was by far the worst part for me.

Thank you for doing this, and I really hope it encourages people to talk to someone and know they're not alone.

I made it halfway through life before I accepted I needed to reroll just about every character stat I had.

/r/dataisbeautiful Thread Link - i.imgur.com