Suffragists protesting for the right to vote, 1910s. Happy Women's Equality Day! (Today is the 96th anniversary of the 19th Amendment being officially made part of the US Constitution)

No one is blaming you, the individual! But you're acting as if men didn't have some role in oppressing women! As if women always had more rights than men which is just objectively not true. Women weren't equal then. They didn't have equal societal power. SOME women worked back then (usually left the workforce after marriage also) but whose name was on the bank accounts? Who were the ones waging the wars that women couldn't even vote on? Who made the laws that said women couldn't be in the military? Seriously, who??? That's right, men, men, men. I'm not asking you to take responsibility for those actions but to act as if women could enact change on the same level as men in the early 1900s is to be willfully blind to the fact that men had a much larger level of political control over the nation.

People who take literally every discussion about oppression as a personal slight are the ones who hold back conversations. I'm white but I don't think any time a black person says "hey, white people did a lot of fucked up shit that led to really bad outcomes for black people that still resonate in our society today" is personally attacking me.

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