Suggested rework/re-balance of the Swedish HTs

Note: All stats are theory crafted and don't represent a final balanced product

Did you miss this or am I blind? Other things could change about it, it's a suggestion, not a be all to end all.

Fuck me, some people need to take the stick out of their ass

The Swedish HTs are small and should, historicall, play more like MTs and be more in-line with the entire tech tree until that point.

This means less armor but better mobility. Gun stats are also open to being changed.

But the thing is, if they just increase the penetration and gun handling as the tank is right now WG may as well just strap an autoloader on the Super Conqueror because it would essentially be the same bloody thing.

I do game design and you can't just assume that just buffing two things will fix the tank when in reality it will create multiple other issues

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