Suggestion: Change it so team mates can't ban hovers

Why do you reply to every thread with the worst possible example to prove your points? What if I am hovering a Lux first pick but my teammate bans it because he doesn't like me playing a mage?

Also why should you have all the power here? We should discuss this as a team like everything else. If I am last pick hovering Morde you can tell me "Hey can I pick Morde for you so they don't take it or if we cannot manage this can you hover something else so I can ban it because it might be better for our team to not pick it"?

Your view on this matter is incredibly situational and even more selfish. It would be like you being able to surrender the whole game just because you feel it is lost. FF is a team decision and so should pick/ban be. Riot needs to create a system where we all decide, not just you.

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