[Suggestion] I think each faction should have an exotic weapon.

Gonna hijack this thread to post some ideas I've had regarding making the Crucible factions much more important/interesting/meaningful.

CAVEAT - These are ideas that would obviously be released as a major content update or even in an expansion. I do not expect this to be a minor patch. Also, they're just ideas I think would be cool. I do not expect this to actually happen.

  • All weapons purchased from faction vendors have a final upgrade slot that requires a single exotic material, similar to Necrochasm, unique to its faction.

  • Upon reaching rank X with Y faction you will be mailed an exotic upgrade material unique to that faction (e.g. Chaotic Core - FWC, Illustrious Core - NM, Despondent Core - DO).

  • The player will only receive this exotic upgrade material ONCE per character when they reach rank X with Y faction (reaching rank X with a 2nd faction - on that same character - will not give another material).

  • 3 factions, 3 character slots - can get all 3 if so desired

This offers players several options in obtaining exotic faction weapons:

  • Can only choose one weapon per character to upgrade
  • Can only choose one faction (per character) to get exotic weapon from
  • Can opt to get an exotic faction weapon from each faction across 3 characters
  • Can choose to get 3 different exotic weapons from the same faction (1 primary, 1 special, 1 heavy for example)
  • etc

    • Upon upgrading a faction weapon to exotic quality they will also receive an exotic class item for their current class, exotic faction shader, and exotic faction emblem. All unique designs.
    • The exotic versions of faction weapons will all have a unique perk or perk set to make it special and fit that faction's ideals/design philosophies.

Like I said, this would be a lot of work for Bungie to do and I don't expect it to actually happen. This is just a hypothetical example of how I would like the factions to be represented in Destiny. I just want factions to matter in some significant way.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread