Suggestion: Fireteams and SL hotkey for fireteam chat.

Except that you haven't explained where it comes from. The VOIP channel is not going to magically appear by the SL saying "you are now a fireteam," players need to be formally and rigidly organized into fireteams either through the spawn menu or through some management interface that the SL would get. Otherwise there's no way for the game to tell who is in a fireteam (and would therefore talk on that channel) or even that a fireteam exists.

Read this, slowly:

It's so fucking simple. The SL creates 2 fireteams of whichever players he likes, the players in those 2 fireteams uses their squad leader voice chat hotkey to talk to each other if they need to be more than 20 meters away, which is standard when going into a compound from different directions.

And then this:


Baseless personal attack followed by ego-stroking. Nice. Plus, I literally just explained what a fireteam is, so if you're going to go for insults, at least put some effort into them.

It's not an insult, it's facts.

I'm pretty sure I know what a fireteam is seeing as I spent 4 years in the army, but thanks buddy.

But that's not what you said earlier. I'll quote it for you:

||There are several cases where a fireteam would split up, for example hit a compound from two different sides.

... Different sizes of different compounds for fuck sake dude, are you a troll or what?

Some compounds have like 4-5 openings and are very large. For example training ground on new sumari. Or market on chora would easily take 2 fireteams (or a full squad) to clear.

Delta bridge would take 1 fireteam in each compound.

You're so boxed in in your thoughts.

Again, a fireteam is four men, a squad is two fireteams plus a leader, making nine. Nine men splitting into two groups could definitely take a compound. Four... not so much.

Ok, sorry but you're clearly pretty low skilled if you think that.

As I said, different sizes of compounds take different sizes of force to secure it.

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