Suggestion for behemoths if they return

i have some suggestions but i think i will get downvoted to hell...

  • 1- Re-implement Legacy conquest, (like in bf1 beta) where Behemoth actually helped a lot more for getting comebacks
  • 2- Get rid of the mortar view only, and instead add artillery binoculars (Like in The runner war story) so it can really be useful and less teamwork needing (and giving more occasions to clear objectives)
  • 3- Buff some sections of them (More for the battleship which get absolutily vaporised by little PT boats)
  • 4- Getting some Objective buff for killing defenders near objectives as attacker in operation (like less time to neutralize the objective for the attackers, and longer spawn cooldown for the people getting killed by a behemoth)
/r/battlefield_live Thread