Suggestion: Running and gunning with pistol

Moving while ADS greatly reduces accuracy. Adding running to that would make the pistol so inaccurate that even at point blank range it would be very difficult to land shots. Have you ever tried to simply move and shoot a gun irl? Now try to do that while in a sprint.

Driving nearly applies to same as the irl example as above. There is sure as hell no way you should be driving and shooting a pistol without severe control loss of the vehicle, especially in PUBG terrain.

Lastly, the dual wield. Are both guns shooting at the same time per trigger pull? If not you just have a less accurate, same fire rate pistol that takes longer to reload. Reducing its effective range.

The best benefit the pistol has going into the mid-late game, that nobody seems to use, is its draw and ads speeds. You can draw and ads the pistol faster than you can reload any other gun in he game. Assuming you hit your target and are both reloading, you will put bullets down range to finish before they shoot back.

This game is not CoD. It’s survival and skill > equipment 100% of the time.