Suggestion Saturday 14/Sep/2019

Suggestion: A secondary Commander Slot in hero loadouts, unlocked upon reaching CL310 and 600 (MAX) in each of the four Research Lab stats.

This "Off-Duty Commander" slot would enable a second Commander Perk to be equipped and thus allow endgame players that have devoted their time and energy to this game to be justly rewarded and give others a goal to strive for. Realistically, this would make High Twine more viable for players.

For the players

If there are concerns about being "OP" in lower areas, the slot could be disabled outside of Twine Peaks much like the level caps already in place. Though I would like to remind everybody that this is a PvE Co-Op game, there is literally no downside to having powerful teammates.

If you feel particularly competitive and must be the strongest person on your team, you don't have to play public matches. Likewise, if you feel like it would make you too powerful for your own tastes, simply unlocking the slot does not coerce you to use it.

This next part bears no ill will, simply an observation.

For the developers

As is, there's really no Commander Level goal to work for in this game. Previously, the pride and joy to show off was the Twine pickaxe, a real tangible (in-game) reward to make us feel accomplished for spending our time and effort on StW.

Epic, when you recently burned us with the statement that you weren't taking anything away, then in fact took away the entire StW playerbase's ability to equip a Legendary Pickaxe (one of the greatest senses of accomplishment in the game we could see and feel proud of), you lost a lot of good will.

Establishing a new Commander Level oriented goal, a new in-game reward we can feel good about that also offers a way to cut some frustration from endgame content, would go a long way towards earning that good will back and benefit both players and yourselves. If we have a way to ease the frustration of High Twine, that buys the developers a bit of breathing room to figure things out without having to constantly be in panic mode due to unhappy players.

Thank you for your consideration! u/Magyst u/Davethebuck u/RebelAndroid

All credit for the idea goes to u/CKaPpAC

/r/FORTnITE Thread