Suggestions/Feedback Thread

ive got three ideas.

  • make something that you can purchase other than ships in space stations.

    REASON: at the moment it feels like you waist a million pounds for just some new decoration(a ship), and the feedback from such a purchase isnt very high. Money feels relatively pointless when it is only used to change your role.I dont really have any other choice in terms of purchase. Maybe you can purchase the guns, or purchase things used as utility.Money is not money unless its used.

  • travel costs nothing.

REASON: sometimes fuel is usefull for making sure ships have different speeds, or for making sure you dont end the game too quickly. Your game is so big, the need of fuel is pointless.. In addition, such laborious tasks as making sure you are still ''able to move'' is very negative, its equvilant to having nessecery labours in real life- like washing up, and why would it be an advantage in video games? warping once requires work and really kicks away the idea of free exploration, that i CAN go to any planet and not just think about plutonium.

  • trading ports are always visible:REASON: i can just follow the trade route line in space, but why not a helpfull marker? i can already just see it with the grey lines,why have it hiden? i think trading should be encoraged.
/r/NoMansSkyTheGame Thread