Suicide is the only option to free myself from the oppressive system

Listen, I have no feelings, I mean literally, and I feel the same way as you about the world.

You think the worst thing in the world is to be smart enough to know how the world works but the truth is the intelligence required to see how it could be makes it so much worse. It makes life debilitating

To not be depressed or "sad" to have tried every medication known to man. Several cutting edge treatment's, TMS for example and to look around and just think my consciousness no longer wants to experience this, every ...fucking of your life gets so old.

The best advice I can give you is to cut off every news outlet, every social media except Reddit, (why Reddit, you chose what you see here not the other way around) avoid politics except voting and simplify your life. Work, eat, movies and TV with no commercials, be out side, and drink if you are of age.

If any of that changes for me I'm going to die.

/r/SuicideWatch Thread