Summary of terrible LS analysis

I can give you a small summary. Kindred is a marksman % hp shredder in the jungle. With less than great early game, and extremely reliant on obtaining marks(which increase her % dmg) by killing specific jungle mobs, and specific champions.

During that game, using a powerful early game jungler(Elise), Sven's Lee shit on SSG so bad, they only got 1 kill. (which means barely any stacks), was invaded and pushed out by TSM's warding. LS's reasoning was that it would shut down the burst from Kennen/Syndra, which would make sense if Syndra didn't get a buff to her "Scatter the weak", which displaces and stuns a larger area now.

Pretty much, just a pretty poor statement, especially considering Kindred received nerfs that not only removed her from pro play, but from alot of jungler's pools. Adding her to the comp would result in a triple ADC comp, which is pretty easy to counter if you have engage.
- Kindred is a shit champion
- Kindred would have been even worse than Elise, especailly in this meta
- Alot of people on this subreddit may be bronze-silver but even they would know that Kindred has no place in that comp/in this meta.
- Just poor analytics and statements from LS.

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