this sums up Reddit

voting, pretty much, and being as environmentally conscious as possible. global warming is its whole own thing cause it also ties in with overpopulation. these are issues that are impossible to pour all our time, energy and resources into when so much of our wealth is being spent on keeping the rich rich and spreading our imperialistic military reach to other countries. this is why a lot of people are freaking out cause I mean, it doesn't take a fucking scientist to look at the weather and notice it has been mad fucked in the past decade, with it getting noticeably increasingly worse in just the last 5 years. anyone who says otherwise is clearly in denial for their own reasons, and unfortunately much of the nation is this way because of generations of indoctrination into fundamentalist idealogy which is inherently regressive and disallows growth/progression. this is why you have people like Tom Delonge literally working with peoplle in the government to try and make alien tech real, because we need to get some form of space travel down if we want to expand/survive as a species pretty much, at the rate we are reproducing and destroying the environment, or else go full automated and figure out how to upload our consciousness and become a full on tech planet or some shit. either way, we need way more research and the money is all tied up in other bullshit. this is why many people (like myself) are radicalized and call for revolution by the people because the system we've had in place designed to keep the workforce as a servile class has existed since pretty much the industrial revolution. but i digress

/r/copypasta Thread