[Sunanada Vashisht] Check this headline by this rag called ⁦'The Economist'. This is not journalism. This is not even biased journalism. This is repugnant. Shame on you The Economist.

Hindus believe that a fictional spaghetti monster was born there and Muslims believe their moon god told them to tear it down and none of the rest of us are going to point how utterly retarded that is? Like, those are the facts we have to evaluate the situation by? Really?

That's not what it is. There was an actual structure on top of which another structure was built. Now,it doesn't matter what people believe. I for example might believe a monk lived there. What I believe is inconsequential. What is a fact is that an existing structure was demolished to build something else.

Thanks but no thanks. Religion is, was and shall remain a cancer

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