Sunday Dating and Relationships Thread March 26, 2023

my friend is so obsessed with romance and soulmates she’s started sending me pix of her college boyfriend from 10 years ago saying she thinks he’s going to re-enter her life and rekindle things. she was dating a bunch until recently and told me at least 4 different guys were her soulmate. she hasn’t been on any second dates with them so i feel like she’s just so consumed with the idea of a soulmate that she can’t stop talking about it and is projecting it onto her ex. she even told me her coworkers are pray everyday for her to find a man (????). she posts quotes about love or heartbreak almost every single day too.

we’re in our 30s and she’s literally so gorgeous but she doesn’t have that much dating experience. it’s only recently that she’s started to use dating apps again and i feel like it’s all she talks about now. dating and love and marriage. she used to be really laid back and fun but lately she’s bordering on uptight. like the few times we’ve hung out recently she was extremely late because she needed over 2 hours to do her get ready routine. i was so pissed i haven’t asked her to hang out in a while and i stopped texting her first.

i’m considering saying something to her but i feel like she’s going to think i’m being cynical. i also am considering signing her up for the next bachelor.

/r/thebachelor Thread