Sunday dating thread, for advice and discussion.

Those who are dating someone non-desi, how did it go when they met your parents?

Background on me: I'm a med student and met a non-desi guy doing a PhD at a university in the same city (a very prestigious one) and we have been dating for a few months now. I took a leap of faith and told my parents early on because I could tell it was serious and going somewhere. He is very interested in desi culture, a good person, obviously well-educated, etc. and so my parents are being open-minded about it but my dad is more traditional and apprehensive because he feels that he is an outsider to our culture (Palakkad Iyers) and won't understand it, etc. My younger sister has already met him and told them good things and they would like to meet him and assess for themselves, especially my mother.

My parents live nearby (his don't) and my mom even offered bringing him home to make him a homemade meal, but I thought it would be better to meet over coffee first. Keep in mind my parents have also never done this before (met the SO of one of their children) so it is alien to them too. I realize I am lucky that both parties seem to be open to this but I know my boyfriend is a little nervous about meeting my dad especially (and making a good impression), because he knows they would have preferred a desi guy.

Any advice/suggestions on this?

/r/ABCDesis Thread