Sunday General Discussion - February 17th, 2019

I'm so overly critical of myself, literally anything I do I triple guess and agonize over decisions for days even when it's not like I can go back and change them. Life is hard. I know I shouldn't be this hard on myself but it's like, it feels like theres no room for mistakes. You just gotta either be perfect or live alone with 37 cats for the rest of your life

i relate to this so much you dont even know. i've been through like 5 different therapists and i finally found one that honestly gets it, but i have spent almost my entire life thinking of myself as fundamentally broken or unloveable, even when all the evidence (my friends and family) points to the opposite.

anyway you didnt ask for advice but i'll give it anyways - you dont have to be perfect and no one expects that from you, the same way you shouldnt expect perfection from others. sometimes it's a persons flaws that make them loveable. learning to love yourself is the hardest thing to do but also the most necessary, and once that happens the rest falls into place. good luck, friend

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