Sunday Show Off! What did you accomplish this past week?

I'm doing the beginner routine and have slightly changed my approach over time when I'd realize I was doing something incorrectly....I do pairs now instead of one exercise after another. It's more time efficient to do one exercise while resting from another. I do the routine every other day. *Start with dynamic stretching, 5 minutes of plank work, ten minutes of handstand work. Honestly my butt was too big for me do l-sits so I didn't dedicate any time to them. However, I'll probably start working on them now along with my handstands
*The Start Bodyweight Routine
*I stalk /u/antranik and other fitness peeps on YouTube to learn and improve my form with exercises
*I do dips and push-ups every workout, against the recommendation of Start Bodyweight Training
*I do 3 sets of my max reps with the highest progression that I can complete with quality. As soon I lose quality, I stop. So now that I pair the exercises, I would do leg lifts and then while resting from that, do my first set of push-ups, and when resting from push-ups I go back to leg lifts and then follow this pattern with the rest of the exercises. I pair the exercises push/pull and upper body/lower body, if that makes sense. Basically I just make sure to not do pairs of exercises that use the same muscles because then my rest from one move while doing another isn't really a rest!
*On non-strength training days I do something active, whether a hike, walk, yoga, Jillain Michaels or Insanity video. I've been doing sprint workouts twice a week for the last month. Also, after finishing my second month of BWF I took an entire week off and only went on two hikes and did no resistance training. Diet: 100-120 grams of protein a day and a net calorie intake of 1500-1700 (I say net because I'd eat more on days with long hikes). According to an online TDEE calculator I could eat 2100 to maintain and I've found this to be pretty accurate. I use MFP to track my food. 5-6 reasonably portioned meals a day. I eat eggs, chicken, cabbage (I'm obsessed with coleslaw), greens, some fruit but mostly just bananas and frozen strawberries, corn tortillas, protein bars, cheese sticks, peanut butter, Kerrygold butter, Dave's Killler bread, oatmeal cooked with egg whites, and if I want a treat I eat a treat. I've had less and less desire for sugary stuff the more time goes by, but just sayin' if peanut m&m's give me a call, I answer. My last meal of the day is usually a protein shake made with protein powder, a banana, ice and water. If I absolutely neeeeeed a snack later in the night I do an apple or a couple cups of air-popped popcorn. I never let myself do anything or commit to any plan or ideal if I know it will contribute to a binge. I want slow and steady progress that lasts and contributes to mental stability. Fuck diets and eating disorders. Also I drink a lot of water and make good sleep a priority. And If I drink I do a coors lite or 4 ounce glass of red wine.

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