Super alert bus driver warns motorcyclist of incoming pedestrian

Well no. The ticket is a nothing burger until you are served in person. If you choose to pay it, that is you voluntarily admitting guilt and surrendering your rights. Until you are served, it is a piece of paper like any other piece of junk mail you receive. The act of being served is what makes the ticket legal. The state/city doesn’t even send the ticket. A private company does that has no legal rights to act as a police officer. It’s literally not a legal ticket until you’re served.

They could try making it illegal to “ignore the notices” here, I’m sure. How does one prove that a person received said notice though? And then, once you have proven that, and have them in court, who is your accuser? Who will get on the stand and testify that you committed the crime they claim you did? Are they going to subpoena the person from the camera company that processed your ticket and make him come in?

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