Super clear water [Africa]

Ethiopia is one of the better countries in Africa. I love how Western people rip on Ethiopia so much when this is a country that has had a longer tradition of influence in the "western world" than any of your cultures have. Ethiopians have been found all over the world for thousands of years referenced in the Bible and historical texts from India and China, were considered the best sailors in the world in ancient Rome and ancient Greece and often took residence in Rome, have been a Christian Nation since your ancestors were worshipping dolls and a Hebrew nation for hundreds of years before Christ.. Mecca was part of Ethiopia in the time leading up to Mohammed, so was all of Saudi Arabia. Ethiopians smoked weed with Indians and ran the spice trade that connected India to Egypt... when Romans were crucifying people Ethiopians were feeding the Romans. It holds the actual birth of humanity in it's borders and is full of lush jungle and friendly people. Its one of the coolest countries in Africa and is constantly shit on by ignorant white people because of a south Park episode. Before the death of Haile Selassie (the man Rasta worship as Jesus Incarnate), they maintained one royal family for thousands of years claiming to be started with the son of The Queen Of Shiba and King Solomon. And 9 out of 10 Americans think of Starving Marvin.....

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