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I'm in, I was 105lbs in december when my sister bought me the bridesmaid dress I will be wearing in 5 weeks at her wedding!!! I knew things were a little lax lol I had been in a gaining phase at xmas as I was recovering from surgery and had gone from 100 to 105 pretty fast (I like 105lbs on me but not any lighter).

I have been weighing myself on and off and saying it is water weight etc etc etc but it's not. I have gained nearly 4lbs in two months. It's not a major big deal but if that continues I will be quite heavy in a year! and I won't be able to fit into the bridesmaids dress! another 3/4 lbs and I know I won't be able to zip it up! I haven't tried it on since and I wont be trying it on for 3 weeks, when I have to have it taken up.

I will be looking at the IIFYM website, I find it hard to hit the carb level but I will try as I know if I go super low carb I get weird after a while :P

I have been setting my MFP at 1800 but know that on active days I go for 2200, the thing is, because my MFP is set at 1800 it doesn't bother me when I go over cause nearly every day is active lol so I need to set a goal that is every day and not just some days :P yesterday I was active but ate 2600 calories! ARGH!

I eat mostly paleo, and am very active but I balance out that activity with a LOT of food ha!. I have a bunch of foods that I know are "excess to requirements" and may just ban them for duration of the challenge or until I am hitting my goals on the weight loss front. they are very much maintenance or weight gain foods.

These foods for me are:

  • sausages (I eat half a pack in a go which is about 1000calories in a sitting and that's just the protein in my meal!)

  • paleo choco chip banana bread

  • paleo sweet potato apple pie with coconut milk

  • using oils a LOT (I like salad cause i pour half a bottle of pumpkin seed oil on it lol)

  • a whole pack of ribs to myself (hitting about 1000cals or more in a sitting!)

In the past restriction has driven me crazy, I suffered from eating disorders for a decade so I don't like eating below 1800 calories ever. I find that when I am more mindful and track my intake with Myfitnesspal.com that I can lose weight without being crazy about it :)

I'm already quite active as I climb and run but I can easily spend a rest day sitting on my ass doing nothing at all, if I go on long walks I know that my body releases weight a bit easier :)

This morning I was 108.6lbs, my goal for the challenge is 105.6lbs so exactly a 3lbs weight loss. I would like to lose .5lbs a week and then go into a maintenance phase :)

I know 3lbs doesn't sound like a lot but this is close to my minimum healthy weight so my body doesn't let go real fast. I am also starting to lift weights again so I will be keeping an eye on my body fat % :)

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