Super Mario Odyssey Removes All Runs With No Videos

this is arguably the most common opinion, speedrunning is a community that thrives and builds itself off of competition, i'm sure almost everyone here in this subreddit would agree, myself included.

i'm a huge proponent, however, of videos for runs as they are essential to the integrity of competitive leaderboards. if a run is very slow, however, in comparison to WR or even average beginner runs, i don't see the need for videos in that aspect.

as it stands, many runners lack the appropriate hardware to record a run, especially on a console. the idea that "you don't need to be on a leaderboard to speedrun" is true by technicality alone, however, anyone who learns a route for any given gave has almost definitely turned to the community in order to learn, and it's very likely they intend to compare their own times to times on a leaderboard as it is.

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