Superconductor and Semiconductor Sandwich With Baloney

Oh come on. The fact that “some people somewhere are doing something with some stuff” is completely and utterly irrelevant to scraps of common metal found on a ranch in Utah. These aren’t meta materials. That’s exactly the kind of single point dot connecting Travis does when he blathers his nonsense about “quantum computer stealth aircraft faster than light intergalactic dildos”. It’s fücking utter nonsense. Don’t Google your way into believing anything he says is smart. I haven’t seen one single smart thing he’s said since the first episode. So a bunch of clowns randomly drilled a single hole into a mesa in Utah and managed to find the exact spot to scrape up against an intergalactic craft with meta material hull? Right. They hit a rock. They found some old rusty metal. They spun it into an entire episode. If that floats your boat, then believe in their hype.

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