Supermarket in England refuses to sell water in bulk to a couple. Police are called and it gets physical

Several things to do not happen in the U.S.

  • cop ordered them to turn-off the camera. The U.S. First Circuit Court already rules we have a 1st amendment right to film Public employees in the execution of their duties.

  • cop claims husband punched him. Conveniently the camera was off, so we don't know if the cop is lying. This is why cameras need to keep running.

  • I can't imagine why a store would refuse a sale. I used to fill-up my entire cart with water, simply because I wanted a month's supply instead of going back every day.

  • If the couple is handing it out free, or re-selling it, who cares? That may be a crime in the UK but isn't a crime in the U.S. (What IS a crime is refusal of service to non-white customers.)

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