Supernatural VS Real World Explanations

I think the girls go through some heavy shit in the woods. After their rescue, they are traumatized and respond in different ways. Some probably go insane; or delve into addiction ; or they bury it deep into some sort of denialism and pretend they’ve recovered; or lose entirely their sense of social morality. Some of them use the supernatural to explain their their actions, and some of them use logic and real world explanations. I think Taissa struggles with these explanations because of her experience during her grandmother’s death and her seeing a vision we call The Man with No Eyes, and how she keeps bringing up the “explanations” line in the woods: “There is an explanation for everything!” It’s unclear how or what else happens to Tai (beyond the wolf attacking Van) and how much more sleepwalking she’ll do in the future. But to me, it’s obvious that she WANTS to have logical explanations for everything but I think that sometimes she’s unable to find any. And it bothers her.

I was raised non-religious by my immediate family but my larger family was Christian/Catholic. I attended a Catholic high school, soon after traumatic deaths in my family (my father and brother). The chaplain helped me find peace and grace during that horrible sad time. I was also on the varsity soccer team (yes, in the 90s) It wasn’t until much later that I actually became baptized a Catholic, a few years ago. My husband and kids were like, WTF are you doing?? LOL

I feel like the show does an excellent job of portraying what THIS ALL ~waving hands around the scary woods and cabin~ would look like to a bunch of starving, terrified, cold, impressionable teenagers who were at that developmental age of trying to figure out how the world worked, if there was a God, who they were as an individual, etc. Like, “Is this REAL?“What did I just see when I was almost dead after being attacked by that wolf? Was that bear that Lottie killed sick? Did I see Travis running, or was it a stag? Was it the shrooms, or something else?” And we don’t even know what ELSE happened while they were out there!!

For me, I’m ok with the ambiguity because I myself still feel a little ambiguous about God, even though I am a recently baptized Catholic. Every year we go through the Easter ritual and we’re supposed to renew our faith and I’m always like, “Yes, I believe that Jesus died and went to hell and came back to life… maybe?” LOL (I’m a bad Catholic)

Sorry this was long. But that’s what I got.

/r/Yellowjackets Thread