In Support of Frontier

Honestly, I can understand both sides of this arguement. Both are grounded in real issues that there really is no clear answer for. Like you, I love the game and understand the choices being made. I'm going to continue playing and supporting one of the better Developers out there. But, I still have my views on the issue, the current one being the Multicrew adjustments.

On one hand, I agree with the idea that a completely new player would be able to hop into my fulled A-Rated, Engineered Anaconda and blast away with me, then basically skip a bit of ship progression. FDev is right, they'd miss out on learning opportunities, the nueances of each ship, etc.

On the other hand, I agree with the idea that it basically is forcing grind back onto a already infamously grindy game. Some people have that kind of time, other don't. I did Robigo, Sothis/Ceos, Quince, not to skip over ships, but to have enough credits to enjoy myself in whatever ship I had at the time. Having already sunk +500 hours into the game, I don't really feel like grinding anymore than I need to.

Circling back around, I think this issue highlights a number of problems FDev will have to find a remedy to sooner or later, particularly that of the "Grind." That word often sends shivers down peoples necks depending on how you use it. It can be good or it can be bad, let me explain...

In a surprisingly relevant example, take the game Destiny and its infamous "Loot Cave" that was around during the start of the game. Personally, I remember heading planetside and blasting away into that hole for hours on end, getting higher and higher in Light Level in order to get ready for end-game content. We can relate the Loot Cave to the Robigo, Sothis/Ceos, and Quince of Elite: Dangerous. They aloud players to put in minimal time to maximum reward, when the other option was grinding through the same content over and over again.

This sort of thing points out an issue that I believe is relevant to both games. There is a lack of engaging content for players to get from A to B. (Point A being the start of the game, and Point B being "end game" content). Take MMO's for example, they should (hopefully) give players meaningful content to get from  Level 1 to Max Level. Now, I'm not saying Elite should give you a questline to get you from Sidewinder to Anaconda, that's not what I mean. What I'm getting at is that Elite needs to look how to make what they have worthwhile. The more the player feels that they are literally doing the same thing over and over again, the more likely they will be to use the "Loot Caves" of the game. The more they feel like they are a part of something, the more time they will put into doing those missions, and I don't mean watching a little bar get bigger or smaller.

Yes, Elite technically doesn't have "End Game Content" like MMO's or like the example of Destiny I used above. Yet, I think the example still stands for the sake of the reasoning behind why some people are up in arms against the Multicrew Credit adjustment. Perhaps if the "middle" was fixed, we wouldn't need to worry as much as the "end" or the "beginning."

Either way, I'm still going to keep playing an keep pushing forward with Elite Dangerous. And unless something else comes along that scratches the itch better, I don't see myself going anywhere anytime soon.
/r/EliteDangerous Thread