I support LGBT but won't go to Pride due to the political and commercial hijacking of it

Well, the point is that there's a reaction to each action, and history has shown us time and time again that unmanaged change that goes too far has dire consequences. Let's just look at a few examples.

Should women have equal rights? Yes, and most people would now support that, even if there are still some sexists within society that think otherwise. Is mansplaining and manspreading helping the cause? No, it is not, and yet it gives ammunition to groups like The Red Pill and the alt-right to bash feminism and then channel that reaction against legitimate equality issues like domestic violence, a very serious issue.

Should black people have equal rights? Yes, and most people would now support that, even if there are still some racists within society that think otherwise. Is enforcing segregation on college campuses actually progressive or regressive? Is this helping? No, it's increasing the divide and goes totally against what Martin Luther King wanted for us, and to bring us together.

So yes, it is about drawing the line. It's about drawing the line and saying we're focusing on real issues but don't bring your bullshit to the forefront of our movement when we're trying to focus on the real issues impacting minorities each day.

When a feminist goes on about manspreading to me, many of them brainwashed via YouTube and social media, and many of whom are no different to those brainwashed by people like Milo who denounces the same feminists in a vulgar manner because they gave him that ammunition, it's just ridiculous.

  1. Why aren't feminists in outrage about the persecution of women in the Middle East?
  2. Why aren't feminists in outrage about the attacks on women in places like Sweden and Germany?
  3. Why aren't feminists outraged by maternity leave not being as good in the UK as in other nations?

These are real issues facing women, not some guy spreading his legs on the bus to accommodate his bollocks.

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