[Support] Maintenance man entered my apartment while I was asleep and didn't announce himself properly. He saw me naked when I woke up to see who was in my apartment.

I'm right there with you on this.

I lived in a few places where I sometimes awoke to the sounds of a stranger trying the door knob at 2am or gun shots in the parking lot, or SWAT team members scaling the building, or once we even had FBI knocking on our door to ask if we had ever seen some people. We had not seen them, but they could have been almost anyone.

The lady the cops showed me on the clip board looked like a soccer mom. The dude looked like a correctional institute inmate, no doubt about it. Together, they just looked like people who want to have a life and raise kids.

Most of the maintenance personnel spoke Spanish, not English. They were all decent people who tried to do a good job and be good neighbors, and it still made for some odd encounters when I did not speak enough Spanish to communicate effectively and discuss things like the work I needed to pay for.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread