Supporting out of lower MMR

You can't control coin flips, the best way to control them is to prevent them by snowballing earlier and harder.

Enchanter on their own aren't necessarily terrible but too many people are too passive with them in lower ELOs, you can see it when your spellthief start support only finishes their quest at like 13m+ and is several hundred gold gen behind their opponent. If we use your wow arena example think of old school resto druids 2s where they could hot/root from a distance and spend the rest of the time drinking/pillar humping/kiting someone far away while their rogue/war buddy goes to town on an enemy squishy. When there's kill pressure they show up to CC chain and help burst but otherwise they support from a distance.

Instead of that style you want to be like disc priest - You're trading some of that healing prowess for offensive influence. You want to actively dispel buffs/hots and mana burn the enemy casters, chasing them around to limit their free cast time by forcing them to pillar hump as well. Fear has a smaller range which also forces you to be closer to the action during the big burst/cc chain commits.

Translating that back to league, you should be actively looking to auto/trade/poke whenever you see openings. Maybe they are locked in an AA animation going for creep, they miss a big spell (like Ali pulverize or blitz grab), or they're in a bad spot. All of these little openings give you chances to either gain an advantage in lane or deny enemies from engaging on your ADC, but most lower elo bot lanes just pretend like nothing happened and keep dancing and farming. It's why tank champions or all-in champions feel OP - they aren't being punished for missing their bigger cooldowns so they get all-ins for free against poke/sustain lanes.

Support AP are more appealing in this regard as they naturally encourage you to walk up - you want to cast spells and poke. You exert presence and influence by doing damage and landing CC, and if you get the ball rolling you can be a secondary AP threat with a pretty cost efficient build path.

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