Why do you suppose people under 25 decide to have kids?

I'm 28 now, but I an certain I always knew I didn't want kids. When I was very young, I didn't think about it. I didn't want baby dolls or anything like that. I wasn't drawn to other people's babies when they asked if I wanted to see. When I started to get into elementary school, relatives started asking me and I told them no. Always responded to with a patronizing "You're too young! You'll change your mind!" Assholes, I didn't even know what sex was that young, why were they asking me?

Anyways by the time middle and high school rolled around I knew for sure I just didn't like kids and didn't want them. I have never fantasized about my "perfect little family." My mom used to babysit and then only thing I found endearing about the kids was that my beloved dog had bonded with them and looked after them with my mom.

For other people, there might be more specific reasons why they don't want kids. For me, its just I think if someone wants a kid, they should be on board 110%. I cannot muster even a fraction of a percent of enthusiasm for the idea of getting pregnant and raising a kid. It doesn't entice me at all.

/r/childfree Thread