Supreme Court rules non-union workers cannot be forced to pay fees to public sector unions

At their core I think generally we could agree that unions should fight for increased wages or benefits for their members (benefits including working conditions, etc.).

So when I say pay freeze, I mean that for 7 years NO ONE has gotten a pay increase (of even 1%, which means for 7 years we are getting salary DECREASES actually). No increase in benefits, time off, no improved working conditions (worse, in fact, with bigger class sizes).

So please tell me how being forced via law to pay union dues has helped me over the past 7 years outside of taking money from my family? Because "eventually" they may do something? Add on top that a lot of people do not agree with their union's politics (which unions spend their money on by the way, even though they may claim not to), the SC delivered a slam dunk today.

I shudder to think of the collective outcry if the majority of teacher unions supported Trump, for example. I highly doubt the people upset now would be crying for the opportunity to donate to a union that puts on rallies for the candidate they hate.

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