Surely we can say something more specific than that "the situation in the Middle East is complex"

I've replied and explained everything in depth already but I will say this:

I use those words because scholars use those words. Because my family remembers Israel invading the lands of Lebanon and bombing our home because we were next to a Palestinian refugee camp. I use those words because that is what this is. A genocide. Ethnic cleansing. I use those words because the state that you so dutifully defend tried to claim my land as theirs too simply because of the river we have flowing through it. Because it claims not only Palestine but also Syria and Lebanon and Jordan. Because we remember the airstrikes and the warfare that they used that was banned by international law for how abhorrent it was.

Scholars have called it a genocide because that is what it is and you refuse to acknowledge the suffrage of the Palestinians because you are racist. You are happy to turn a blind eye because you do not and never will care about the deaths of Arabs. 20% of Israel is Arab?? How much do you think it was before the creation of Israel?? Can you not think that far?? You talk about Hamas as if it wasn't formed because Palestinians weren't completely defenseless against Israel's multi-billion dollar army. You act as if Israel is fighting an equal opponent when we all know that Hamas has not killed as many people in the last 30 years as Israel has killed in the past year alone.

/r/Cornell Thread Parent