The Surface Pro 4 just blew the iPad Pro out of the water

That's honestly just funny. This same line gets used after every surface release. See ya in six months after people actually use the thing. No doubt they're good but transformative in a way remotely comparable to the iPhone or the original iPad? Hahaha. It's a touchscreen laptop with a detachable keyboard -a pretty one, sure, but that's what these are and always have been. It's simply a different approach to the tablet. But ya know what is innovative? Sticking with the right approach until it gets to where it needs to be. Apple is right about tablets. They do deserve their own OS. They shouldn't be attempting to run old desktop apps. That's a cop out. It's an immediate bit of carrot in an industry that needs some stick. By sticking with iOS/OSX split, Apple is demanding that tablet apps get better over time for tablets and desktop apps get better over time for that in 10 years time with vastly improved hardware you can live in a Ridley Scott world. By allowing the two to merge Microsoft is filling a gap in the market that wants a tablet but wants a laptop more and good for them for filling it. It's a fairly sizeable space, but it's not going to encourage developers to attempt anything bold or new for tablet designed apps. It's going to encourage them to continue to make desktop apps for the tablet because they can get away with it and that's far from innovative.

Saying all that, what the hell does innovation matter anymore? Nothing sucks anymore. We're being propelled into the future at a million miles an hour. Every smartphone is amazing and every tablet is amazing. Innovations happen when things suck and nothing sucks right now. So think both Apple and Microsoft are doing just fine but please don't regurgitate Vlad Savov hot takes when talking about the company that single handedly dragged us into the future in 2007 and again in 2010.

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