A surprise present

...I know that comment gets posted every time. And every time there is a post explaining it's an exception or something.

I think the general idea is that we shouldn't ever encourage the idea of a pet as a gift. It promotes a bad idea and a bad way of potentially viewing animals. It isn't because of this one family but to make others dimiss the rule cause they feel their case is special.

Instead we should always discourage it. There is far more value to gain in the proper appoarch rather than a one of 'high' of a good moment. One they'd likely get either way.

I'd a kid wants a pet and the adults think it's a good idea they should be upfront. Let the kid be part of the discussion of the pros and cons. What the requirements are and why they want it.

Being part of that dicussion can add a lot of value back.

Reason I say this is I've seen many people adopt pets out of compulsion. With little thought of the co sequences. The requirements. something beyond it feeling good. And they quite a few showed it when their let's got older. Soon the pet just became a chore to them. Just something that lays around and gets fed and taken out. That's it.

I believe it comes down to how we view peta. For some they were only seen as a positive, a gift, a play toy or a lonely buddy when THEY needed it as kids.

Adults took care of it, fed it, trained it, and showed it loved the most. So the kid only saw it, probably obvious of it, to it's in benefit.

So overall, the message should be clear. They aren't gifts. They are living creatures that desire and want love and attention like you through out it's life. Not.jaut during the honeymoon period.

/r/aww Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com