I was surprised to see this sign in a bathroom stall in Israel. (Translation in comments.)

The text reads: (Are) you hurting somebody you love? Stop! Don't raise (your) hands! National line for men in the cycle of domestic violence

I don't see the number listed here, these are various emergency numbers, including DV-related ones. In the "domestic violence" category, some items are gendered. Yes, from what I skimmed, "problematic"-gendered (as in, one bulletin reads "Group support for battered women" and the one below is "Therapy groups for (male) batterers" - i.e. they aren't analogous). There is also a "violence against women" as a separate category right below "domestic violence" - and there is no analogous category for violence against men.

Can't find an official organization website, some third-party websites list the number as no longer active; TL;DR - I have no idea how old this is, what initiative it was, whether it was still active. You google more if you want, mine really was just a cursory search not beyond the first page of results.

Now, why do you need an enemy from r/AskFeminists to argue "your" point for you - to translate the thing, google about it, discover the disparity between help service on the official websites, and report on it? The thread has been up for 12 hours and nobody contributed anything of value.

Now, I'll be candid, in a "for your own good" spirit: this is why the rest of the (feminist and not) world is laughing behind your back. Most of your "international" threads are like that - poorly sourced if at all, information off misleading translated articles, pretentions to discuss legal issues off Youtube documentaries and not law (my personal favorite is that thread on Spanish DV law you recently had where, at the time of my checking it with around 200+ comments, 1 - nobody actually linked to the actual official text of the law with the history of modifications, which took me few seconds to google in Spanish, and 2 - nobody actually bothered to compare whether all of the text reported in the documentary corresponds to the current version of the law, and if no, why and what were the vagaries of that, which I personally didn't bother to look into, but it makes you look bad to bring it up and not look into it), and so forth.

It's extremely difficult to take you even remotely seriously if regularly it happens that nobody on "your" side steps in, fact-checks everything "international" off the actual sources (and makes it extremely clear what's off which source, which texts depends on and is subordinated to which etc.), links to all of that, pinpoints and translates relevant passages.

Seriously. I'm from the "Enemy Camp" and I here argue your points for you (that there is a systematic institutionally upheld disparity between male/female victims support WRT available, or at least marketed resources; that there are signs of a presumption of male perpetration and female victimhood - perhaps not in law, perhaps not even in its administration for what we know, but that the public perception may be biased; etc. etc.). And I could do that in just about any thread you ever had on "international" topics pertaining to those parts of the world that I'm more familiar with (I'm not from the Anglosphere, obviously).

It really, really takes off your credibility that nobody does this - and we're talking literally a few minutes of cursory Google search - and IMO it significantly contributes to how you're perceived among people otherwise interested in men's issues (but, due to this, not interested in you; "you" as in not only this sub, but the MRM in general).

People are laughing your back and few will ever be sufficiently bored, as I am right now, to reach out in a spirit of intellectual honesty and confirm/debunk that there is a problem.

If you can't do the "international" sourcing and informing properly, just don't do it. It makes you look really bad, and provides popcorn material for us "enemies" - which is bad for us, in turn, because at the end of the day the point shouldn't be about seeing who can identify more lapses and stupidity on the other side, but to actually identify what we regard as problems, see the overlaps of our agreement and maybe (gasp!) even work on something that concerns us, rather than just fueling the outrage machine.

/r/MensRights Thread Parent Link - imgur.com