Survival tips for Type 1 Diabetic

I'm a type 1. About 3 years ago, we had some really bad storms that left our neighborhood isolated and without power for a week and a half. I live in East Tennessee, so I had never really considered prepping. We get no earthquakes, rare torndaoes, no major snow storms, etc. It was a wake up call that if I needed insulin, I could really be screwed. I was currently using like 85% of my monthly insulin but not refilling regularly, only when I needed to. After that, I had a talk with my doctor about it and she agreed to bump up my prescription from 2 vials to 3. On top of that, I refill automatically at 30 days, regardless. So now I have about a 6 month supply of insulin at the house. It's plenty to get me through a regional prep scenario but not enough for SHTF.

/r/preppers Thread