'Do we want to survive or not?': Canadian Green Party leader Elizabeth May says climate change talks too focused on bureaucracy

I remember when people used to talk about the Holocaust and how so many lives could have been saved if the world had acted sooner.

Climate change is worse. We have to act. The time for debate is over. Anyone who doesn't believe climate change is happening needs to be removed from power. Anyone who would hinder efforts to combat climate change needs to be imprisoned or executed. There is no more time to debate. There is no more time to convince. Anyone who disagrees with 97% of the scientific community is incapable of rational thought and cannot be convinced. Their freedom does not extend to disrupting global civilization, rendering huge swathes of the world uninhabitable, and creating mass famine.

Either we imprison fossil fuel CEOs and oust their political cronies or 100s of millions will die.

/r/worldnews Thread Link - cbc.ca