Survivors about killers ruining the fun

It's all about perspectives and experience. I had a Wraith constantly hit everyone, chase them a little, and then go for someone else. After my second escape chase I realized that I can hear his terror radius while he's cloaked so I knew he had the extra BP add-on and was hoping we'd farm maybe but my teammates thought they were absolutely crushing him and his spirits when he let us go out the exit gates. He didn't go for hooks so I assumed he didn't have BBQ. He only had perks that increase BP gain like Distressing, Thrill of the Hunt, and Beast of Prey. And was only going for surprise hits the entire game. I'm unsure if he hit gens but they were making fun of how bad he was. Then I explained what the Wraith was doing and they all went silent. Some survivors don't realize when you're going easy on them or handing them a win.

/r/deadbydaylight Thread