Survivors of attempted murder: what's your story?

I was selling weed for this guy for quite a while, ended up leaving the city to go work a job for a weekend. Told the guy he could come pick up his money now or he would have to wait until after the weekend. He didn't come pick it up, so I went to work for the weekend. Come back to town and see he's blown up my phone a shit ton. Try to call him back and get no forward to being at a party. I walk out and my dealer as well as like 7 other sketchy dudes are sitting around. I go up and say hey to him (because I'm still unaware he is even angry at me). Then he starts talking in weird whispers like "We need to talk outside for a second nothing will happen" (which obviously means something will happen). I took the hint and stayed inside where there would be witnesses if anything happened and told him to talk in there. Anyway he ended up opening the front door and talking to me through there...One of his hot head coke buddies decided to jump in the middle of our conversation and grab my throat...He grabbed my throat and was squeezing so hard my ears were ringing and I could feel the blood getting stopped in my neck. We struggled and he almost through me over a railing and ultimately to my death...I managed to swing my weight around him and get his back towards the railing. He was a good 100 pounds heavier than me so I'm surprised that happened. I pulled all my weight to the ground and him with me so I could get away from having him pick me up and throw me over the ledge. At this point I could not breath and could hear a loud "TICK. TICK. TICK" which sounded like my head was about to explode. I could barely breath and feel a weird poisoness tightening around my head.

Eventually my friend came and pulled him off me. He ran away and I threatened to kill his kids.

Never did, of course, but if he ever decides to do something like that again he better leave me dead. If I survive the second time, I won't go after him right at first, oh no. I'll wait...months, maybe years...and then one day, he'll come home, like nothing was wrong, and his kids will be sitting there with their throats slit and blood on the wall with "This was your fault, dad" smeared on the wall.

But of course we don't see each other anymore so all is good :-)

/r/AskReddit Thread