Suspect in NYC nearly runs over pedestrians while attempting to evade police 10-11-2021

There's a low risk of ricochet hitting a civi or another cop

He was firing straight at a surface, any ricochet would have lost almost all of its energy. Ricochets are only dangerous firing along a surface, where the bullets skim the surface and change directory, but keep most of their initial velocity and energy; firing straight at something, the bullet transfers almost all of its energy to that surface.

but the biggest risk is any missed rounds going through the front of that store and hitting someone inside

You mention "household building materials" lol... Its a commercial building front in the city, you can clearly see in the video its fucking concrete and brick... He stops firing before the glass door, then dips his gun while sweeping that door as he spins around. You act like he's shooting at quarter inch thick plywood or something, lol.

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