Suspected rhino poachers killed after crashing into goat during a high-speed car chase while trying to escape game rangers

Your all hypocrites. As an African myself, I know that these people don't do this for fun. They need to survive and make sure their children get to eat for a day. It is so easy for you in the west to judge poor nonwhite people in Africa or Asia.

I just find it absolutely disgusting how people like you value an animal life more then that of a fellow human being. Meanwhile it's you guys who buy these horns. No not just China. Did you know Cannada for example imports most of the sharkfins in the world? And lets not talk about the USA.

I wonder what you people would do when the next depression comes, when there is no work and food is scarse. I wonder if you would just accept having your family starve to death. To watch your daughter slowly die from hunger, while saying "Dad I'm hungry" Yeah that probably sounds great for people like you.

My heart goes to the children and wives of these families who now will probably die of starvation.

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