A suspicious protester was searched by other protesters and found out to be a mainland police.

you clearly didnt read my other comments. you habe absolutely no idea about the situation what so ever nor do you know how to do research beyond google searches

they are acting on false information

the methodology to come up with that number is garbage. in this case I know it is wrong.

the intercept is generally good but they have this wrong, and so do you.

like I just said in my last comment, i dont just blindly trust any one source that I trust and look to see what methods were used to obtain the information, unlike yourself.

the 1 million number came from method that asked a few random people hoe many of their piers were effected. then they used that ratio for every villiage of that ethnicity.

you are wrong, completley, and did no research ro back up your claim other than linking news articles you jusy read the headline of, and think that just bexause i like the intercept that they are doctrine and them making a mistake discredits me

also you clearly don't care about helping these people since you did no research and want to win an internet argument isntead, but hey whatever makes you think you're correct and important i guess

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