SV/NSV Feats of the Day - Thursday, 26 April 2018: Today, I conquered!

I found that sharing the info with my partner has been extremely helpful in keeping me on track. Granted, we are coming up on 6 years together, but it has been helpful for her to know what my goals are and why I’m making the food choices I am making (rather than making excuses for not wanting to get ice cream or go out for pizza).

My gf is also fit and skinny but wants to lose 10 lbs to get back where she was when she was more active. She recently started calorie counting with me to help motivate me and to shed those few lbs, and man has it really kickstarted things again. I’ve lost 6 more lbs since them after a year of failing and constantly restarting. She is also really impressed with seeing how cico works!

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