I swear to christ if Trump bans e-cigs, you conservative cucks can't complain ever again about government overreach.

Banning is the wrong move. I think a fine is more in order. I don't want government to overburden the markets with regulations or prevent products from being sold, but that doesn't mean there shouldn't be consequences for your actions. If businesses screw up, by marketing recreational drugs to minors they can't be surprised when the government slams its fist down. Being Libertarian is about being anti-regulation, not anti-consequence. Juul and companies alike have to be held responsible for how they have sold and advertised their products. It would be one thing if their products found their way into the hands of minors, but they are actively pursuing them with their products, and that is what the government seems to be taking issue with. Forcing them to take their flavored products off the market is an overreaction and is clearly the administration going to far, but I don't think a reaction is unwarranted. You have to be 18 (21 in some states) to purchase nicotine products, and companies are targeting people under that limit. With the reports of illnesses and deaths it was only a matter of time before the government intervened. If these companies had the foresight to self-regulate this wouldn't even be an issue right now.

/r/Libertarian Thread