
I just reviewed the two subs you linked and I have not found any hateful content. Though I think your definition of hate is different than mine. r/NoNewNormal is just a regular right wing sub that is against the lockdowns. Yes, there is criticism of democrats on there but it is not hate. There are progressive subreddits who criticise conservatives and thats not hate either. Criticism and hate are two completely different concepts, especially in the context of politics.

And all I see on r/WomenDatingAdvice are sad, lonely guys and wanna-be pickup artists with too much time on their hands.

I would describe a hateful subreddit as a sub that's sole purpose is to discriminate/insult/attack on a group or individual. Criticism, in a political context, is pointing out certain aspects or ideas of an ideology and giving your point of view on it.

A hateful sub would be r/NationalSocialists101 but as I said, it has hardly any members and will likely be removed by Reddit.

/r/Cringetopia Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it