Switching from console to pc- any tips?

I did the same 6 months ago. Feel free to add me on PUBG - my name is ReesesPiecesPUBG. I am on vacation for the next week but other than that I'm on all the time. I play FPP only btw.

As for advice, it's still the same game. A lot of the conecepts will carry over. If you want to "get good", here's some tips:

  • You'll be frustrated at first because you keep hitting the wrong keys, try to stay calm when that happens. It got me killed like 50-100 times before I got used to a keyboard.

  • Aim trainers are great for getting the mechanics of aiming down. I did an hour a day for the first month I got a pc.

  • You probably already know from xbox but practicing in the training range is super important too. Controlling the recoil on different guns on xbox isn't that difficult, but on PC the individual guns recoil patterns are more noticeable. Use the training mode to get used to them.

  • Play a lot of TDM

  • The biggest thing: PATIENCE. Just like when you were trying to become good at xbox. It will feel hopeless sometimes. People will laser you in an instant. You'll have a guy dead to rights and whiff completely. The first season I played PC I had a .88 K/D. The next season I was like 1.6. Then 3.5. And now I'm sitting around 3.8 which I'm happy with.