Switching from jungle to top

Hello, so I came here looking for advice. So I am a plat 3/4 player. I main jungle and i went from bronzeV to platIII this season. I play mainly lee and rengar. In the pre-season i smurfen quite a bit in silver elo and I really enjoy playing top. I always was decent at top. Now i decided i want to start maining top. My best champs are irelia rengar jax. I almost never had truble winning lane and was able to snowball almost every time top, but now that I decided to main it I have hard time even going even in lane. I come back 90% of the time but it is bothering me why I am doing so bad. Only irelia I can still win with. I know for sure it't not my 1v1 lane mechanics/knowleage because I am winning at the beginning almost always, or just playing passive when I get counterd or don't kniw where jungler is ... Basic stuff.

But the problem are things like me having a ward then going for a kill and getting ganked and killed eventhough i saw him but I already went in or I come to lane push and go to ward and the jungler is there. Also today I lost jax vs melph 0-2: 1st dead i was thinking i better jump awat and recall before he dives me with ult and then he just does, 2nd i get him very weak and am able to dive but I go ward tribush first quickly to be sure I can dive and he flash r q ignites me. Or just stupid things I think you guys already know what I am trying to say. It is always the small things. I think it may be because I need to play more but I don't want to lose because I cannot play top and I can't practice in normals cos then I play vs silvers/golds where I go 3-0 every laning phase. I just want some tips from high elo toplaners.

Oh just a quick thing to add I almost always am able to comeback through cs or just playing better for example: roaming at good moments with rengar and getting free kills. But I'd love to be able to win lane because I know when I used to win my lane it was free win because I could snowball very hard every time.

Sounds to me that you need a sparring partner. You can probably ask around here if you're nice, or I can sparr with you on Sarurdays/Sundays (only time I am available until summer) since you mentioned you play on EUW.

If you want that is.

IGN is Jolly Jaeger, add me whenever you want and we'll make do this next weekend and the coming ones. Will do my best to help you improve :) (and I will get to try out some of my older mains)

And perhaps I can watch you play a game or two. Perhaps more.

/r/summonerschool Thread