Symmetra is scary

To rid 1 player that doesn't need to aim even in the slightest, and in many cases doesn't even need to be at the PC let alone have their character alive, you need 2 in coordination, possibly using specific counter picks, with active skill input and play/decision making. That sure sounds balanced to me. So when 2 of the blue team are dealing with 1 of the red (again that might not even be playing in that moment), surely the 4 remaining blues are going to fare real well against the 5 equally-skilled reds.

Bind the spacebar to primary fire. Do your average pre-match setup, place something on the spacebar, and get up and go for a bathroom break. I guarantee you that the kill figure when you return will be massively if not technically infinitely higher on Torb/Sym than any of the other 22 heroes. I've done something similar just to prove the point. It was defense Hanamura w/ torb vs plat-high-diamond players. I plugged in a controller, built and hammered the turret wiggling the movement stick around, kept my eyes shut for easily 80% of the match, and pressed the ult button when it seemed timely. Full hold, triple gold, play of the game. This is the game trying to startup a multi-billion-dollar e-sports league.

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