I sympathize with incels

I do agree with most points, more than I thought. Looks are the biggest factor when it comes to being appealing. But it's not all about looks, there's multiple points that are improvable by inviduals themselves.

I am decent looking, curly messy hair if I don't use gel, glasses, can't grow any beard etc. So let's say average looking. I have had courage to approach women and I'd say a very big factor is to be confident. I've had good luck with women very highly above averages looking just being confidential and talking to them. Being nice, not too straight forward and not really even trying to hit on or flirt just being friendly and having conversation.

I think people worry about looks too much and thus lose the confidence or try flirt too hard. Just be nice. Be friendly. I think most men who have no good luck with women just seem too straight forward or just don't act friendly enough or just lack confidence.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread